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Monday, October 24, 2011

Interesting Poll Results for eDiscovery Market

Over the past four (4) months, eDSG has been running weekly polls on the state of the information governance and eDiscovery in the cloud markets. Participation ranges from several hundred to several thousand voters in any given week and therefore the results are not scientific nor statistically controlled.  However, I believe that the results do in fact paint a very interesting picture of the current state of the information governance and eDiscovery in the cloud market and therefore I have chosen to summarize and share those results with the readers of this Blog.

A summary of the Poll Results are as follows:

What are your plans to move all or part of your eDiscovery platform to the cloud?

9% - Outsource all eDiscovery to a Service Provider
9% - Plan to move eDiscovery to the cloud in 2012
36% - Plan to move some eDiscovery to the cloud in 2011
45% - Plan to move all eDiscovery to the cloud in 2011

Where should eDiscovery be located in a Global 2000 organization?

8% - eDiscovery should be outsourced to outside counsel
17% - eDiscovery should be outsourced to a litigation service provider
33% - eDiscovery should be part of IT under information governance
42% - eDiscovery shoulbe be in the legal department

What are your enterprise plans for documente retentionn policy?

9% - We are planning to develop a policy in 2012
27% - We are planning to develop a poligyt in 2011
27% - We have begun to develop a policy
36% - We have a working policy in place

How would you rather pay for eDiscovery?

7% - Outsourced to a ligitation service provider and paid for on a per GB price
13% - Processed in-house with purchased software
20% - Outsourced to outside counsel and paid for as part of our normal legal bills
60% - Processed by a SaaS provider and paid for on a monthly basis

Why is your organization moving information governance and eDiscovery to the cloud?

17% - Increased productivity
33% - Increase the strategic value of IT
50% - Reduce costs

What are the major benefits to moving information governance and eDiscovery to the cloud?
(Allowed Multiple Selections)
25% - Outsourced service provider solutions don't work
25% - In-house solutions don't work
25% - Increased productivity
25% - More Flexibility
25% - The majority of our ESI is in the cloud
50% - Reduce costs

What is the value of pro-active eDiscovery?
(Allowed Multiple Selections)

100% - Access to realtime information
100% - Reduce costs

What is the major roadblock to moving information governance and eDiscovery to the cloud?

11% - There are no roadblocks
11% - Maturity of SaaS applications
33% - Secutiry
44% - Not enough bandwidth to move data around

Was the acquisition ot Autonomy good or bad for HP?

10% - It was a great strategic move for HP
30% - It was a terrible move for HP
60% - Only time will tell

Are you planning to implement some form of predictive coding for eDiscovery?

20% - What is predictive coding?
20% - No plans
20% - In 2011
40% - In 2012

Is it time to update the FRCP again?

12% - What are the FRCP?
25% - No
62% - Yes

Do CEO's understand the strategic importance of eDiscovery in the cloud?

11% - Yes
33% - No
56% - Not in depth

Which eDiscovery tool are you planning to use in the next 12 months?

25% - ClearWell
21% - AccessData
19% - Other
15% - Nuix
6% - kCura

Are you planning to move eDiscovery to the cloud in the next 12 months?

20% - No opinion
20% - No
60% - Yes

Is technology ruinng the fine art of litigation?

14% - Somewhat
29% - Yes
57% - No

For complete results please go to the eDSG website at: